Arkansas Firefighter Museum and Fire Education Center

Welcome to the Arkansas Firefighter Museum and Fire Education Center, a dedicated institution preserving the rich heritage and history of firefighting in Arkansas while promoting fire safety education for all ages. Our museum and education center stand as a testament to the bravery and dedication of firefighters throughout the state’s history, offering a unique blend of historical artifacts and educational programs.

Our Mission

Our mission is to honor the courage and sacrifices of Arkansas firefighters by preserving their history, educating the public about fire safety, and inspiring future generations of firefighting professionals. We aim to be a hub of learning, remembrance, and community engagement, fostering a deeper appreciation for the essential role firefighters play in our society.

What We Offer

  • Restore and Preserve North Little Rock Central Station: We are committed to restoring and preserving the historic North Little Rock Central Station, a landmark that symbolizes the enduring spirit of our firefighting community.
  • Preserve and Display Fire History: Our museum showcases an extensive collection of firefighting memorabilia, including historical documents, photographs, and artifacts, providing a captivating journey through the evolution of firefighting in Arkansas.
  • Preserve and Display Antique Fire Trucks: Marvel at our collection of antique fire trucks from around the state, each meticulously preserved and displayed to highlight the technological advancements and heroic stories associated with these magnificent machines.
  • Educational Training Classes: We offer comprehensive training programs for future firefighters, equipping them with the essential skills and knowledge needed to protect and serve their communities effectively.
  • Fire Safety Classes for Children: Our fire safety classes for children provide engaging and interactive learning experiences. Through tours and hands-on activities, we teach vital fire safety skills to help youngsters understand the importance of fire prevention and emergency preparedness.

Our Vision

We envision a future where the legacy of Arkansas firefighters is celebrated, and the public is well-informed about fire safety. By preserving the past and educating for the future, we aim to create a safer, more resilient community.

Join Us

We invite you to visit the Arkansas Firefighter Museum and Fire Education Center to experience the compelling stories of our state’s firefighting heroes and to learn how you can contribute to a safer community. Whether you are a history enthusiast, a student, or a family looking for an educational outing, our museum offers something for everyone.

Thank you for your support and interest in preserving the legacy of Arkansas’s firefighters. Together, we can honor the past and protect the future.